Ved Dhara Global School

(Day & Residential School affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi) CBSE Affiliation No.- 630259

Dr. Sampadananda Mishra
Director, Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC),
Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry – 605001, India
Telephone: +91-9952888350

Dr. Sampadananda Mishra is passionate about Sanskrit. He strongly believes that Sanskrit has immense potentiality to elevate the human consciousness to sublime heights. Dr. Mishra has spoken at various conferences, seminars, and literary & religious festivals, both nationally and internationally on Sanskrit, Indian culture, Yoga and Education. In addition Dr. Mishra, as a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, is familiar with their writings and feels comfortable in delivering lecture on Philosophy and practice of Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga. He has been to USA several times for giving lectures, conducting workshops and participating in conferences and seminars. He was one of the keynote speakers in the Waves conference that took place in Trinidad and Tobago in the year 2010. In the year (2014) Dr. Mishra was invited to the Monash university, Melbourne for giving a talk on character development and service to the humanity in a seminar on Swami Vivekananda. He is also closely associated with the members of the School of Philosophy and guides their Sanskrit teachers. Dr. Mishra worked as the Associate Editor of the Collected Works of Vasishtha Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni published in twelve volumes.

Dr. Mishra has launched the first ever 24hours Sanskrit Radio called Divyavani and is single handedly managing the entire content since its inception in 2013. In the year 2014 Dr. Mishra founded Samskrita Balasahitya Parishad with the aim of creating, evaluating and propagating children’s literature in Sanskrit.

The Govt. of India has conferred the President’s award (Maharshi Badarayna Vyasa Samman 2011) on Dr. Mishra for his outstanding contribution to Sanskrit.

In the year 2014 the Ministry of Culture, Govt. Of India conferred the Senior Fellowship Award to Dr. Mishra for carrying out his research on the Vedic Art of Multiple Concentration.

Dr. Mishra has been conferred the Kendra Sahitya Akademi Bala Puraskar Award 2018 for his book Shanaih Shanaih - A book of rhyming songs for children in Sanskrit.

Dr. Mishra worked as a Senior Project Advisor, National Centre of Safety of Heritage, Department of Structural Engineering, IIT Madras from July 2018 till December 2019. Also, as a visiting faculty he offers a course on ‘Aesthetics in Design – Indian Perspectives’ at IIT Madras.

His qualifications include a post-graduate degree in Sanskrit from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, M.Phil in Sanskrit from Pondicherry Central University, receiving the Gold Medal for his excellent performance, and his Ph.D. from Utkal University on ‘Sanskrit and the Evolution of Human Speech’.

Dr. Mishra’s achievements in his working life are also very impressive. Some of the books written by him - The Wonder that is Sanskrit; Sanskrit and the Evolution of Human Speech; Sri Aurobindo and Sanskrit; and Hasymanjari, A book of humorous stories in Sanskrit, Chandovallari – A hand book of Sanskrit Prosody – are fine examples that showcase the greatness of Sanskrit. In addition in his efforts to revive Sanskrit, he has also produced audio CDs and multimedia CD-Roms such as Srimadbhagavadgita in the Light of Sri Aurobindo – A Multimedia CD-Rom containing three thousand and five hundred pages of research matter on the Gita; Devabhasha – The Language of Gods – A Multimedia CD-Rom; Ashtavadhanam or Eightfold Concentration – A Multimedia CD-Rom; Sri Aurobindopanishad – An audio CD containing the recitation of Sri Aurobindopanishad ; and Shyama Smaranam – An audio CD containing hymns to Krishna, which are a delight to the senses.

Some of the major projects he is currently working on are: Creating Innovative Sanskrit Learning Materials for the Children, Transparent system of Root-sounds in Sanskrit; Vedic Art of Multiple Concentration and Sanskrit & Speech-pathology.

Current Positions:

  • Director, Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry Other Designations:
    • Trustee, Vande Mataram Library Trust, Gurgaon
    • Founder, Samskrita Bala Sahitya Parishad, Puducherry
    • Trustee, Sri Aurobindo Center for Advanced Research (SACAR)
    • Vice-president Bharatiya Samskrita Patrakara Sangha, New Delhi
    • Academic Advisor, Vedic Research, Satyachetana Ashram, Thiruvanamalai, Tamilnadu(Honorary)
    • Director, Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni Project, Puducherry (Honorary)
    • Mentor and Coordinator, Sanskrit Education at Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Lucknow (Honorary)
    • Trustee, Geetagovinda Pratishthanam, Puducherry